Finally, Brazil gets sense! Maybe they could share some with us?
The NY Times reported this morning that a Brazilian Senate panel recommended yesterday that President Bolsonaro – and 77 other people, including three of his sons - be charged with nine crimes, including “crimes against humanity”. What did they do? They “(allowed) the coronavirus to spread unchecked through Brazil in a bid to reach herd immunity.” Brazil has had 739,000 Covid deaths, compared to 757,000 in the US. However, on a per capita basis, Brazil is way ahead of the US in terms of deaths. But did either Brazil or the US get anywhere near herd immunity, even with vaccines? Nope. This is because the availability of vaccines has pushed up the level of “people with antibodies” (i.e. those who have either had Covid or been vaccinated, although having had Covid confers less immunity than vaccination) required for herd immunity, even though vaccines have reduced the absolute number of deaths from what they would have been with herd immunity and without vaccines. Remember, there ...