Spinning out of control
Last week, Kellyanne Conway said "The more chaos and anarchy and vandalism and violence reigns, the better it is for the very clear choice on who's best on public safety and law and order.” This has to go down as a low point in American political history, where a presidential adviser states that anarchy and violence are a good thing because they help her party. But, as Trump says, “It is what it is.” The fact is that there is violence and anarchy. They need to be controlled, since we don’t want to live in such a country, period. And Kellyanne (who has always been so helpful in explaining the administration’s actions with a clear, unvarnished perspective – starting when she announced the advent of “alternative facts” early in the administration) has made it clear that it will be harmful to Trump’s re-election prospects if the violence ends. What more encouragement should we need to end it? I suggest: 1. The governors of both states should tak...