Perhaps not the best campaign theme?
I’m fairly sure Trump is being paid off by the Biden campaign, since he’s a far more effective advocate for Biden than any Democrat. Exhibit A: You’ll be pleased to hear that Trump has finally discovered the real cause of our excessive Covid deaths (which BTW I heard today on NPR will likely hit 400,000 early next year, no matter who wins on Tuesday. MAGA!): it’s doctors and nurses in hospitals! This is of course very big news, since most of us thought that these people – who literally risk their lives every day, and many of whom have already paid the ultimate price – were trying to prevent Covid deaths, not increase them. But no, Trump has discovered – through his intrepid research, to be sure – that these doctors and nurses are actually doing their best to inflate the Covid deaths numbers by classifying non-Covid deaths as Covid, because – and here’s the best part – the doctors and hospitals get paid more for Covid deaths! I am really glad Trump brought this up. This terrible v...