Perhaps not the best campaign theme?

I’m fairly sure Trump is being paid off by the Biden campaign, since he’s a far more effective advocate for Biden than any Democrat.

Exhibit A: You’ll be pleased to hear that Trump has finally discovered the real cause of our excessive Covid deaths (which BTW I heard today on NPR will likely hit 400,000 early next year, no matter who wins on Tuesday. MAGA!): it’s doctors and nurses in hospitals! This is of course very big news, since most of us thought that these people – who literally risk their lives every day, and many of whom have already paid the ultimate price – were trying to prevent Covid deaths, not increase them.

But no, Trump has discovered – through his intrepid research, to be sure – that these doctors and nurses are actually doing their best to inflate the Covid deaths numbers by classifying non-Covid deaths as Covid, because – and here’s the best part – the doctors and hospitals get paid more for Covid deaths!

I am really glad Trump brought this up. This terrible venality and skullduggery, for pure profit considerations (and of course Trump has never once even considered whether a particular action he’s taken as president would in the slightest way benefit him or his family, bless his heart), is simply too great to stomach. I think Trump should encourage his rallies to chant “Lock them up!”, meaning the doctors and nurses. I’m sure when these chants appear on the evening news, Democrats will flock to the polls to vote for Trump on Tuesday. After all, who hasn't secretly suspected that the doctors and nurses we see so tirelessly working for our health every day actually have a secret agenda that's just the opposite?

We’re very lucky indeed to have Trump watching so diligently for corruption in the system.

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