Take that, damned constituents!
In case you haven’t noticed it, there are three “wings” of the GOP now, each with its own leader. One wing is really more of a feather: It consists of the few Senators and Representatives who aren’t inclined to parrot every falsehood that comes out of Donald Trump’s mouth, even if that means there might be some – horrors! – negative impact on the GOP’s chances in 2022 from doing so. This group is small enough that they could easily hold their meetings in the men’s room, were it not for the fact that their current “leader” is Liz Cheney. The first of the two real wings is of course the Donald Trump Wing. This is the group that either a) believes the nonsense that Trump spews (i.e. the about 30% of the electorate that continues to have a high opinion of Trump, although that percentage continues to fall. I read that Trump’s new blog – his only official social media platform now – gets around 2,000 hits a day, which isn’t much more than twice what my cybersecurity blog gets. And I’m n...