Modi moves decisively against coronavirus (news)!
rate of increase in total cases in the US continues to drop rapidly. The weekly
rate of increase in cases has dropped .2% for each of the last 5 or 6 weeks,
and now stands at .5%. Of course, if it were to continue to drop at that rate,
we would have no new cases in about three weeks. Nobody expects that to happen,
but hopefully we’ll get to the point where your chances of catching Covid are
no more than your chances of catching the flu and – more importantly – the consequences
if you catch it are no more serious than those of the flu.
course, annual flu deaths aren’t negligible: they’re ranged between 12,000 and
61,000 since 2010. It’s very possible that the best we can hope for is to keep
them in this range. But the important thing is getting vaccinated, since even
if you do catch the coronavirus after you’ve been vaccinated, your chances of
being hospitalized or dying drop precipitously. And you’ll probably have to be
vaccinated every year. Hopefully, people who refuse to be vaccinated will add
these facts together and realize that they’re taking unnecessary risks with
their lives by persisting on this course. And if they persist in not getting
vaccinated – absent a medical reason why they shouldn’t – this will just show
that natural selection is still at work.
India’s problems are definitely not due to natural selection, since most Indians
don’t currently have the choice whether to be vaccinated or not. And they are
dying in horrific numbers. The Times this morning estimated total Covid
deaths in India so far to be in a range of 600,000 (i.e. about tied with the
US) to 1.6 million. What’s their best guess for the actual number? 1.3 million.
This compares to the official count of around 300,000.
there’s good news: Prime Minister Modi is taking decisive action! But there’s
also bad news: He’s putting all of his efforts into suppressing news of the
virus, as if the 1.3 million dead weren’t speaking eloquently on their own.
Suppressing the virus itself? Sure, that’s important, too, but it’s definitely
a secondary consideration. Just read this story
in WaPo about the ongoing disaster in the state of Uttar Pradesh (whose
population is so large that if it were a country, it would be the fifth-largest
in the world).
The numbers
These numbers were
updated based on those reported on the site for Sunday, May 23.
Month |
Deaths reported during month |
Avg. deaths per day during
period |
Deaths as percentage of previous month’s |
Month of March 2020 |
4,058 |
131 |
Month of April |
59,812 |
1,994 |
1,474% |
Month of May |
42,327 |
1,365 |
71% |
Month of June |
23,925 |
798 |
57% |
Month of July |
26,649 |
860 |
111% |
of August |
30,970 |
999 |
116% |
Month of Sept. |
22,809 |
760 |
75% |
Month of Oct. |
24,332 |
785 |
107% |
Month of Nov. |
38,293 |
1,276 |
157% |
Month of Dec. |
79,850 |
2,576 |
209% |
Total 2020 |
354,215 |
1,154 |
Month of Jan. 2021 |
98,064 |
3,163 |
123% |
Month of Feb. |
68,918 |
2,461 |
70% |
Month of March |
72,693 |
2,345 |
105% |
Month of April |
47,593 |
1,598 |
66% |
Total Pandemic so far |
604,174 |
1,325 |
I. Total deaths (as of Sunday)
Average deaths last seven
days: 566
Percent increase in total
deaths in the last seven days: 0.7%
II. Total reported cases (as
of Sunday)
Total US reported cases
as of Sunday: 33,904,805
Increase in reported cases
last 7 days: 181,676 (= 25,594/day)
Percent increase in reported
cases in the last seven days: 0.5%
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